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About Us

Our Curriculum

White Oak Children's Academy structures all three of our preschool programs for optimal learning in an engaging classroom environment. The carefully selected and sequenced learning experiences strategically help children grasp early literacy, language, math and science concepts. A wide range of learning materials and a multi-sensory approach keep the children engaged, while the teachers focus on repeating, expanding and connecting classroom lessons to begin scaffolding concepts and build upon prior knowledge. Designed to comply with key state and national early childhood guidelines, your child will be fully prepared for the academic expectations in Kindergarten and beyond.


Our Team

We take great pride in careful selection of our preschool staff.  We have a well-educated, very motivated team of nurturing teachers and assistants.  All teachers hold at least a four year degree in early education or elementary education.  Staff is carefully selected based on degree, previous teaching experience, and ability to bond and create great working relationships with students, staff and parents.  Above all, we choose faculty members who love the early childhood profession and have a strong, positive curiosity about life that sparks confidence and joy in those around them.

Upcoming Events:

January 8- Welcome back students


January 15 - NO SCHOOL (MLKing Day)


February 19 - NO SCHOOL (President's Day)


March 25-April 1- NO SCHOOL spring break-welcome back April 2


May 13- Last day M/W Acorns

May 14- Last day T/Th Acorns and Both Oaks classes, Mighty Oaks


May 15-all school RECESS


May 16-Graduation 6:30


Summer School Sessions in June and July -NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION!

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